published articles
All Reuters articles available at: https://www.reuters.com/authors/gloria-dickie/
12/23 - Canada’s Hudson Bay polar bear population plummets as climate change warms Arctic
12/20 - Rainforest-rich nations ensure COP15 deal on nature sticks
12/17 - Ministers near global deal at landmark U.N. nature talks
12/14 - Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado savanna hits seven-year high
12/9 - Why did past targets to protect nature fail over the last decade?
12/6 - U.N. chief urges strong global nature deal to end 'orgy of destruction'
12/6 - The collapse of insects
11/21 - Analysis: COP27 does little for next month's global agenda: nature loss
11/16 - COP27 climate talks seen as key to success at next month's U.N. nature summit
11/16 - Climate justice gets harder as world population passes 8 billion
11/14 - Mediterranean marine heatwaves threaten coastal livelihoods
11/08 - COP27: Ukraine's Zelenskiy says climate policy impossible without peace
11/08 - COP27 - Corporate climate pledges rife with greenwashing - U.N. expert group
11/06 - COP27 kicks off with deal to discuss climate compensation
11/05 - Last year's deforestation pledge is off to a slow start
10/30 - Greta Thunberg: COP27 an opportunity for "greenwashing, lying and cheating"
09/17 - Modi introduces imported cheetahs to India on his birthday
09/11 - Why Arctic fires are releasing more carbon than ever
09/08 - Climate tipping points of coral die-off, ice sheet collapse closer than thought
08/31 - Analysis: Scientists look to solve ozone threat to Africa's food security
08/11 - Causes and consequences of Amazon fires and deforestation
08/04 - India approves new emissions targets to tackle climate change
07/26 - Exclusive: Glaciers vanishing at record rate in Alps following heatwaves
07/20 - Polar bears scavenge on garbage to cope with climate change
07/19 - Steamy nights in European heatwave worsen health and fire risks - experts
06/14 - In hottest city on Earth, mothers bear brunt of climate change
05/23 - Climate action on CO2 emissions alone won’t prevent extreme warming - study
05/23 - Climate change boosted odds of recent deadly heat in India, Pakistan, scientists say
04/11 - Ukraine conflict hurts Russian science, as West pulls funding
03/04 - Russian officials call Arctic Council boycott 'regrettable'
03/03 - Arctic Council in upheaval over Russia as climate change transforms region
02/24 - Difficult to 'talk about the climate,' says Ukrainian scientist
02/24 - In Antarctica, does a burgeoning krill fishery threaten wildlife?
01/28 - Tsunami models underestimated shockwave from Tonga eruption
01/20 - In Tonga, a volcano-triggered tsunami underscores islands' acute climate risk
10/14 - Mongabay - Biosurveillance of markets and legal wildlife trade needed to curb pandemic risk: Experts
09/17 - Mongabay - Researchers express alarm as Arctic multiyear sea ice hits record low
09/16 - Reuters - Ocean Cleanup Struggles to Fulfill Promise to Scoop Up Plastic at Sea
09/14 - Science News - How AI Can Help Forecast How Much Arctic Sea Ice Will Shrink
08/20 - Mongabay - Not Just for Humans - Scientists Turn to Vaccines to Save Endangered Species
08/10 - Columbia Journalism Review - The World’s Northernmost Alt-Weekly Heads South
08/05 - Hakai magazine - The Language of Bears
07/29 - Science News - Polar Bears Sometimes Bludgeon Walruses to Death With Stones or Ice
06/01 - Scientific American magazine - The Polar Crucible
05/20 - The Guardian - Climate Crisis Behind Drastic Drop in Arctic Wildlife Populations - Report
04/29 - Mongabay - Arctic Biodiversity at Risk as World Overshoots Climate Planetary Boundary
03/16 - Mongabay - As Arctic Sea Ice Hits Annual Maximum, Concern Grows Over Polar Ice Loss
03/02 - Scientific American - Struggling Koalas to Get Help from a Bold Breeding Program
12/20 - The Guardian - How Cold War’s Monster Crabs Came to the Rescue of Ailing Arctic Village
12/01 - The Walrus - China Wants to Invest in the Arctic. Why Doesn’t Canada?
11/13 - Scientific American - Why the Polls Were Mostly Wrong
11/12 - Reuters - Remote Canadian Town Programs Radar to Spot Approaching Polar Bears
10/28 - Mongabay - Antarctic Ice Sheet is Primed to Pass Irreversible Climate Thresholds
10/15 - Scientific American - Physician Politicians Tout Medical Credentials in Key U.S. Races
10/13 - The Guardian - The Arctic is in a Death Spiral. How Much Longer Will it Exist?
10/08 - Science News - Large Scale Changes in Earth’s Climate May Originate in Pacific Ocean
09/21 - Mongabay - Arctic Sea Ice Melts to Second-Place Finish at Annual Minimum
09/15 - Scientific American - Global Biodiversity is in Free Fall
08/06 - Mongabay - Book Review: Traversing Russia’s Remote Taiga in Pursuit of the Blakiston’s Fish Owl
07/22 - The Guardian - Most Polar Bears to Disappear by 2100, Study Predicts
07/10 - Mongabay - Siberian Heat Drives Arctic Ice Extent to Record Low for Early July
06/19 - Scientific American - Trump vs. Biden: How Covid-19 Will Affect Voting for President
06/08 - Mongabay/Inside Climate News - Could Covid-19 Be Linked to Early Arctic Ice Melt?
06/01- Environmental Health News - Climate Change Creates Camouflage Confusion in Winter-Adapted Wildlife
05/12 - National Geographic - How to Make Peace With the World’s Deadliest Bear
05/12 - Science News - Tapirs May Be Key to Reviving the Amazon. All They Need to Do is Poop.
04/22 - The New York Times - India Fears Coronavirus May Stalk Its Tigers
04/09 - Science News - Hitchhiking Oxpeckers Warn Endangered Rhinos When People Are Nearby
04/01 - Mongabay - Game Changer? Antarctic Ice Melt Related to Tropical Weather Shifts: Study
03/28 - The Guardian - Wildlife Rescue Centers Struggle to Treat Endangered Species in Coronavirus Outbreak
03/18 - Mongabay - Arctic Permafrost Moving Toward Crisis, Abrupt Thaw a Growing Risk: Studies
02/10 - Science News - Noise Pollution From Ships May Scare Arctic Cod From Feeding Grounds
02/06 - The Counter - Locally Foraged Pinon Are Cherished in New Mexico. They’re Also Disappearing.
01/29 - Scientific American - Will Elizabeth Warren’s Stance Against “Junk Science” Matter to Voters?
01/27 - Public Radio International - These Scientists Created a 'Cloud Curtain' in Peru’s Tropical Forests to Mimic the Future
01/27 - Mongabay - Melting Arctic Sea Ice May Be Altering Winds, Weather at Equator: Study
01/01 - Beside Magazine - Svalbard’s Seeds of Hope
12/04 - HuffPost - Politicians and CEOs Could Face Criminal Charges for Environmental Destruction
11/25 - Science News - Most Americans Now See Signs of Climate Change Where They Live
10/07 - Science News - Nepal is Reeling From An Unprecedented Dengue Outbreak
10/01 - Wired Magazine - The Final Frames
09/01 - Al Jazeera - The Norwegian Town Caught in a Spy War With Russia
08/23 - Science News - Brazil’s Amazon Has Burned This Badly Before. This Year’s Fires Are Still Bad
08/19 - Mongabay - 2019 in Line for Second Lowest Arctic Ice Extent on Record
07/22 - Hakai Magazine - The Legacy of the Blob
07/08 - HuffPost - The Surprising Ways Cities Are Good for the Environment
07/02 - The Revelator - Koalas on the Decline
06/12 - Mongabay - Arctic Sea Ice Extent Just Hit a Record Low for Early June; Worse May Come
06/05 - Pacific Standard - A Proposed Railway in the Arctic Has Investors Excited, and Indigenous Groups Terrified
06/01 - Beside Magazine - The Finnish Lifestyle
05/01 - Headwaters Magazine - Home on the Range
04/11 - Mongabay - Arctic in Trouble: Sea Ice Melt Falls to Record Lows for Early April
04/05 - Nunatsiaq News - Nunavut's Protected Areas Offer Protections to Wilderness and Wildlife
04/05 - Hakai Magazine - Polar Bears’ Plastic Diets Are a Growing Problem
04/01 - Adventure Journal Magazine - Locked Out
03/15 - Ensia - Traditional Herders Are Sharing Knowledge to Cope With a Changing Climate in the Himalayas and the Arctic
03/18 - Mongabay - As Arctic Neared 2019 Winter Max, Bering Sea Was Virtually Ice-Free
03/01 - The Walrus - The Seedy World of Plant Poaching
12/19 - Yale Environment 360 - As Polar Bear Attacks Increase in Warming Arctic, a Search for Solutions
12/18 - Biographic - Green Glove, Iron Fist
12/05 - The Guardian - Lost Lands? The American Wilderness at Risk in the Trump Era
12/04 - Mongabay - In the Belly of the Beast: Journalist Delves in Wildlife Trafficking
11/16 - Arctic Today - The First-Ever Scientific Population Estimate Finds Chukchi Sea Polar Bears Have Thrived in Recent Years
11/05 - Modern Farmer - The Last Tree Standing
10/31 - The Narwhal - Parks Canada Denies it Has a Problem, Despite Journalists Flagging Muzzling Concerns
10/15 - The Narwhal - Canada Has Some of the World's Last Wild Places; Are We Keeping Our Promise to Protect Them?
10/01 - Air Canada EnRoute Magazine - Adventures in Pandaland
09/26 - Outside - Yellowstone Grizzlies Return to the Endangered List
09/25 - Mongabay - Dress Like a Polar Bear: Learning to Love Muskoxen at 15 Below
09/19 - The Narwhal - Parks in the Dark
08/22 - Mongabay - The Arctic’s Oldest, Thickest Ice is Breaking Up
08/16 - Hakai Magazine - How Warming Could Speed Up the Sea
08/15 - The Revelator - Grizzly Bears and Roads: The Grisly Truth
07/12 - Mongabay - Species Evolve More Than Twice as Fast at Poles as in Tropics
07/02 - The Narwhal - Narwhals Most Vulnerable to Increased Shipping in the Arctic
07/01 - High Country News - Pay for Prey
06/26 - The Narwhal - First Nations to Co-Manage Much of BC Coast Under New Agreement
06/20 - Hakai Magazine - How Melting Arctic Ice Could Cook the Tropics
06/19 - Mongabay - 2018 Arctic Sea Ice Melt Season Just Got a Big Headstart
06/06 - Hakai Magazine - The Mysterious Decline of Iceland’s American Invader
06/04 - Undark - Amid High-Tech Alternatives, a Reckoning for Iceland’s Glacier Keepers
05/01 - The Walrus - Bear Market
03/14 - Oceans Deeply - As the Arctic Melts, New Technologies Predict Where Sea Ice Will Be
03/07 - Mongabay - Beyond Polar Bears: Arctic Animals Share in Vulnerable Climate Future
02/26 - Arctic Today - Svalbard's Doomsday Seed Vault Marks 10th Anniversary With Upgrades to Protect It From Climate Change
02/22 - Arctic Today - Facing Growing Outside Influence, Local Arctic Leaders Seek More Cross-Border Collaboration
02/18 - The Revelator - Aichi or Bust: Is the World on Target to Protect Its Most Threatened Ecosystems?
02/09 - Hakai Magazine - Jellyfish Threaten Norway's Salmon Farming Industry
02/02 - Oceans Deeply - Famed Polar Scientist: Arctic Ocean Research at a Turning Point
01/23 - Mongabay - Muskox Are Feeling the Heat of Climate Change
01/18 - Canadian Geographic - Fighting for Their Coastline
01/11 - Oceans Deeply - The Unseen Way in Which Climate Change is Altering the Arctic Ocean
01/04 - High Country News - Courts Challenge Piecemeal Approach to Species Recovery
12/04 - Canadian Geographic - As Banff's Famed Wildlife Overpasses Turn 20, The World Looks to Canada for Conservation Inspiration
12/04 - Oceans Deeply - International Accord Bans Fishing in Central Arctic Ocean, Spurs Science
11/15 - Oceans Deeply - Fish Out of Water: Interest in Land-Based Aquaculture Grows
10/30 - Oceans Deeply - Tracking an Elusive, Imperiled Seal Could Reveal Threats to the Ocean
10/12 - Hakai Magazine - Alaska's Oyster Farmers Are Filling an Acidification-Driven Void
10/01 - BioGraphic - Maggot Revolution
09/25 - Mongabay - Is the Arctic Entering the Thin Ice Age?
09/19 - BioGraphic - Fighting for a Foothold
09/13 - Arctic Deeply - Proposed Port and Road in Canada's Central Arctic Raise Caribou Concerns
09/05 - Arctic Deeply - Answering Some Burning Questions About Arctic Wildfire
08/31 - Arctic Deeply - Why Changing Pacific Walrus Haulout Habits Are Worrying
08/16 - Arctic Deeply - NASA Puts a Laser Focus on Melting Arctic Ocean
08/14 - Inside Climate News - Suniva Solar Tariff Case Could Throttle Thriving Industry
08/01 - Arctic Deeply - Robots to the Rescue? Drones Could Help with Arctic Search Operations
08/08 - Mongabay - Canary in the Arctic Coal Mine
08/01 - Arctic Deeply - Unexpected Life Found at the Bottom of High Arctic Lakes
07/21 - Arctic Deeply - Keeping an Eye on What the Arctic Throws Down Iceberg Alley
07/11 - Mongabay - Antarctica's Larsen C Calves Giant Iceberg
07/11 - Hakai Magazine - Polar Bears and People: Cataloging Conflict
07/10 - Arctic Deeply - How Climate Change is Spurring Wildfires in Alaska and NWT
07/10 - Outside - How Cities Are Improving Low-Income Access to Parks
07/01 - Headwaters Magazine - Mapping Colorado’s Water Future
06/28 - Outside - What Exactly Is the Clean Water Rule?
06/28 - Arctic Deeply - As Polar Bears Retreat, Grizzlies Take New Territory
06/27 - Pacific Standard - The Online Community of Enthusiasts Tracking the Arctic Sea Ice Melt
06/27 - The Revelator - The Bugs and the Birds: Trying to Save Hawaii's Akikiki and Akeke'e
06/20 - Arctic Deeply - Alaskans Try Farming Musk Ox for Luxury Fiber
06/20 - High Country News - Tribal Nations Fight Removal of Grizzly Protections
06/06 - Arctic Deeply Arctic Reflections on US Plans to Exist Paris Climate Pact
06/02 - Arctic Deeply - Arctic Clouds May Lock in Warmer Weather
05/25 - Arctic Deeply - Trump Budget Axes Alaska's Sea Grant Program
05/25 - Mongabay - As Arctic Sea Ice Shows Record Decline, Scientists Prepare to Go Blind
04/27 - Arctic Deeply - Arctic Shrubs May Help Explain Caribou Declines
04/17 - Arctic Deeply - Arctic Sea Ice Faces Threat From Below
04/10 - Arctic Deeply - Cold War of Words
03/29 - Arctic Deeply - Disappearing Zooplankton Could Collapse Arctic Food Chain
03/16 - Arctic Deeply - Establishing the Earth's Atmospheric Record, One Air Flask at a Time
03/14 - Hakai Magazine - The Little Shop of Wildlife Horrors
03/01 - Arctic Deeply - Measuring Tumultuous Changes at the Top of the Arctic
02/21 - High Country News - Return of the Grizzly?
02/08 - Arctic Deeply - Taking the Pulse of the Arctic's Biodiversity
01/18 - Arctic Deeply - A Shifting Landscape Means Less Food for Alaska's Hunters
12/25/ - Quartz - The US is the Only Country in the World that Hasn't Signed on to a Key International Agreement to Save the Planet
11/14 - High Country News - How to Tell the Story of the West
10/15 - VICE - Ocean Babies are Hard to Track, So Scientists Are Bringing in the Bots
09/05 - High Country News - Alaska’s Emergency Wildfire Crews Are Burning Out
08/08 - High Country News - State Proposes Scaling Back Safeguards for Grizzlies
07/22 - Arctic Deeply - FAA to Pilots: Do Not Disturb the Walrus
07/01 - Adventure Journal - Mountain Bikers, Trail Runners Face Increased Bear Risk
06/22 - Hakai Magazine - Desperate Polar Bears Have Turned to Scavenging From People
06/02 - Audubon - The Golden-cheeked Warbler Remains Officially Endangered, For Now
05/17 - Hakai Magazine - Human-Grizzly Conflict is Fueled by Desperation
05/15 - High Country News - Grizzly Face-Off
05/03 - Hakai Magazine - A New Tipping Point for the Disappearing Arctic
04/06 - VICE - Peer Inside the Alaskan Permafrost Tunnel that Doubles as a Science Lab
03/14 - Arctic Deeply - Searching for Polar Bears on Alaska's North Slope
03/04 - High Country News - Fish & Wildlife Services Proposes to Delist Yellowstone Grizzly
01/11 - High Country News - 2015 Wildfires Burned a Record-Breaking 10.1 Million Acres
12/22 - Outside - These Adventurers Took the (Really) Long Way to the Climate Talks
11/06 - High Country News - What Does the Super El Nino Mean for the American West?
10/30 - High Country News - BLM Mulls Energy Development in Sage Grouse Habitat
10/26 - High Country News - Will the Migratory Bird Treaty Act Survive the Modern Era?
10/16 - High Country News - Researchers Find an Answer to Invasive Cheatgrass
10/08 - High Country News - In Colorado, a 'Rental Crisis' Forces Workers Into the Woods
09/18 - High Country News - Feds Find Santa Barbara Pipeline Operator Violated Safety Requirements
09/11 - High Country News - Oil Spill Funds Race to Catch Up to Rise in Rail Transportation
08/31 - High Country News - Where Vandals Target Western Parks
08/21 - High Country News - BLM Launches a Native Seeds Strategy for Damaged Landscapes
08/17 - High Country News - To Bee or Not to Bee: Beekeepers vs. Invasive Species Rules on Federal Lands
08/15 - High Country News - A Military Proposal to Use More Public Lands Riles Locals in Washington
08/07 - High Country News - Military and Enviros Align in Arizona's Public Lands Debate
08/03 - High Country News - Plants that Burn Fastest in a Wildfire
07/31 - High Country News - The 2015 Wildfire Season Hasn't Broken Any Records—Yet
06/17 - High Country News - EPA to Study the Effects of Roundup on 1,500 Endangered Species
03/22 - The Denver Post - Boulder Researchers Take to Sky to for Look at Emissions' Impact on Air Quality
03/20 - The Daily Camera - Colo. Sanctuary Will Be Home to Rescued Circus Lions
02/26 - The Daily Camera - CU-Boulder's Roger Pielke Jr. Targeted by Congressman Over Research Funding
02/25 - The Daily Camera - Mountain Lion Sightings Up in Boulder
02/25 - Discover - Tale of Two Seals: Winners and Losers in a Warming Arctic
01/27 - Discover - As Obama Restricts Arctic Drilling, A Look at the Region's Different Faces
08/14 - National Geographic - Two-Headed Dolphin is Super Rare
07/30 - National Geographic - 5 Animals That Can Take the Extreme Heat—And Cold
06/20 - National Geographic - First Look at Arctic Life on Ice Through the Eyes of a Polar Bear
08/08 - National Geographic - Q&A: Why Farmers Markets Are Growing in the American South
07/17 - National Geographic - Q&A: Inside the World's Largest Indoor Farm,
07/14 - National Geographic - Site Challenges Theory of Where New World Culture Began